Mondrian Mind pavilions Concept and Design: Peter Willems, Willems Design (K.v.K. nr: 66613043) Mobile: +31 (0)6-25 58 87 31; Website:; Text: Peter Willems, et al. Layout and Drawings: Peter Willems Model Mondrian Mind: Jan Willems, Peter Willems Photos: Ferry André de la Porte, Claude Truong-Ngoc, Jan Dekker Photo, Peter Willems, 123RF ImageBank. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ON ALL CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS RELATED TO MONDRIAN MIND ARE RESERVED BY © PETER WILLEMS, WILLEMS DESIGN, DEN HAAG Regarding to all our projects and concepts created by Willems Design our terms and conditions applies. More information can be found on the Willems Design website. Disclaimer
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